Privacy and personal data protection policy for site users

The privacy of your personal data is very important to us!

Therefore, our Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy explains:

  1. What information we collect from our users, customers, and contacts and why we collect it;
  2. How we use this information;
  3. How you can contact us to ask about your data.

This Policy is governed by the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709, dated August 14, 2018), in force in Brazil since September 2020.

A ARA CACAO is a Research and Development company, specialized in providing consultancy on cocoa and chocolate to entrepreneurs, cocoa producers, chocolate makers, executives and professionals in the food industry.

We have the following site:

On the site you can have a more complete view of ARA CACAO, as well as learn how our consultancy works and how we can help you.

We refer to the company and the site, through the use of terms, such as “site”, “we”, “our”, “with us”, “ARA CACAO”, company”.

We refer to our users and clients with words such as “you”, “your”, “customer”, and similar expressions, which under the General Data Protection Act are considered as holders of personal data.

By visiting, browsing and using our site, you automatically accept the conditions described below, which make up the Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

What is Personal Data?

Personal data is information about individuals that identify or can identify a person, such as name, surname, social security number, address, biometrics, IP, geolocation. Therefore, to protect data is to ensure privacy.

Information we collect

Important: You are not required to provide personal data on our site. If you provide it to us, you can revoke your consent or unsubscribe, at any time.

However, without providing certain information when requested, it will not be possible to access some features, such as: sending messages, requesting a quote, receiving trend reports.

If you are our customer, we will need your personal data to provide our services and, if any is used for any other purpose, you will be informed in advance, whether or not you may authorize it.

We collect information to provide better and more assertive services to all data subjects and this occurs as explained below.

1. Collection of personal data

The website of ARA CACAO, in the section “Why we are chocolate experts” may collect personally identifiable information, such as: full name and email so that you register to receive news, information, offers.

In the section “Contact - Ready to make chocolate” we collect personally identifiable information, i.e. cadastral data, by means of a Form which can optionally be filled in by the user, such as: name, company for which you work or are the owner, telephone/WhatsApp, through which you can send messages, request information or send messages, from your e-mail address. Such data may be stored by the company, on the MailChimp platform, accessible only by the person responsible for the company, with a login and a secure password.

On the website of ARA CACAO, we provide, free of charge, to our users a Trend Report, in the “Just Out of the Oven” section. To receive this report with information about changes in consumer behavior, market knowledge, and strategic recommendations, interested parties must complete a form leaving the following personal data: name, company, position, work telephone number, work email, which will be used to contact us for the purpose of offering our services, through messages sent to your e-mail, WhatsApp or via telephone contact.

Thus, by filling in such information on the respective forms, the user expresses their unequivocal consent to receive messages, emails, calls from the company and to receive files containing presentations of the products and/or services, as well as a job proposal, and may unsubscribe at any time.

Users can browse the site above without providing your personal data, but to register, send messages, or receive the Trends Report, they must provide them.

2. Use of your personal information

A ARA CACAO will make your personal information available, without notice, only in case of: (a) applicable legislation, regulation, legal process, or governmental request; (b) investigate possible violations; (c) prevent fraud or security; or (d) protect against harm to the rights, property, or safety of the company, our users, or the public, as requested or permitted by law.

The data of users who provide information on the site will not be shared with third parties.

We emphasize that, as private companies, we reserve the right to, according to our cadastral analysis parameters, accept or not the user's membership.

Thus, we reserve the right to block or cancel the Account due to the existence of evidence or identified actual wrongdoing, in addition to registration differences, for the purpose of preventing fraud and for credit protection.

3. Legal Bases

We carry out data processing (collection, storage, processing, sharing), using the legal authorizations indicated below, all provided for in the LGPD:

3.1. Consent of the personal data subject, in cases where the holder agrees to carry out a certain activity with their personal data, filling out forms to contact us, to offer services, scheduling meetings and agreeing to receive work proposals, for the purposes indicated in this Policy;

3.2. Execution of a contract or of preliminary procedures related to a contract to which the holder is a party, at the request of the client, in cases where the client concludes a contract for the provision of consulting services or requests quotes, it will be necessary to store the transaction data and registration data, in order to enable the fulfillment of the contract or the submission of a job proposal;

3.3. Regular exercise of rights in judicial, administrative or arbitral proceedings;

3.4. Credit protection.

4. Sharing information with third parties

ARA CACAO they will not pass on, rent, assign, share, or sell your email address, phone number, or other personal data. We will not share your personal information with other companies, except with your express authorization or for the purpose of fulfilling our contract or contract negotiations, or even in the event of a court order or legal requirement.

We are not responsible for the way in which third parties not connected with the company collect, use, protect, or disclose information.

5. Age restriction

The website of ARA CACAO was designed for older users. If you are under 18 years of age, you will not be allowed to submit your personal information to our site.

Thus, to use our services and products, as well as to register, request quotes, receive the Trend Report, you declare that you are over 18 years of age or must be represented by an adult.

6. Sensitive data collection

We do not collect or retain sensitive personal data related to your health, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or political or philosophical conviction, etc.

7. security

We have physical, electronic and administrative security measures that protect personal data. These protection measures help us to prevent fraud and unauthorized access, as well as to maintain data integrity.

We use security procedures to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of your Personal Data, preventing the occurrence of possible damages as a result of the processing of that data.

All our devices have up-to-date antivirus and regulated programs, as well as secure and untransferable personal passwords for accessing information.

We exchange messages with our clients and potential clients and users via mobile and email applications; however, we do not keep documents stored on these devices, only the name, cell phone, e-mail and messages that do not contain personal data. Any documents are deleted after use.

Although the company uses security measures and monitors its system to check for vulnerabilities and attacks to protect your Personal Data against unauthorized disclosure, misuse, or alteration, the user understands and agrees that there are no guarantees that the information cannot be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by violation of any of the physical, technical, or administrative protections.

In the event of any incident, we will take action as soon as we become aware of it and we will collaborate to minimize any loss, informing users and authorities.

8. User rights

All the rights listed below can be exercised at any time through the following CHANNEL:

access. The user or customer may request information regarding what data is stored and for what purpose.

Rectification. The user or customer may request the correction/updating of any of their personal data, as it is their responsibility to always keep them updated.

Elimination. The user or customer may request the deletion of their personal data in the following situations: (i) when they are not necessary for the purpose for which they are used, (ii) when they are no longer consenting to the terms set out here.

We guarantee the access and protection of all other rights of the holders provided for in the General Data Protection Law.

9. Changes to this Statement

In case of modification of these terms, to better serve our customers and users, we will publish such changes to the privacy policy and notify them of this situation.

We will keep previous versions of this Privacy Policy on file for you to compare.

10. Term of storage of personal data collected by the site

For users who send messages through the contact form or form to receive a trend report, we will keep the data stored for 12 months and then it will be deleted from our database or until Possible request for exclusion of the owner, whichever comes first, which can be done through the privacy channel indicated above.

11. Consent

The user of this site, by filling out the contact form, sending messages, is consenting to access their personal data indicated above for the purpose of registering and contacting and receiving messages by e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp with company news, product information, product offers and promotions.

At any time, the user can revoke your consent in whole or in part, which can be done on some of the channels below upon specific request or through links that will be sent, along with the messages.

Details of the contact responsible for the data: Luciana Monteiro

12. Mediation, Applicable Law, and Court of Election

This policy is subject to the Law of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Campinas District Court is competent to settle any dispute between the parties.

In the event of an incident involving Personal Data, from now on, we reserve the right to submit the case to the CEJUSC (Judicial Dispute Resolution Center) of the Judicial City of Campinas, São Paulo to resolve issues involving the users who hold the data, in accordance with article 52, paragraph 7 of the General Data Protection Law.


We respect your privacy! We want our customers and users to know that their personal data is safe.

The personal information stored by our site helps us to better understand the interests of our users.

At any time you can revoke your consent or request access to your information.

If you still have any questions, please contact:

Luciana Monteiro

If you have suggestions or want to evaluate our site and this Policy, you can use the same channels as above.